Route Summary Delhi to Amroha No. of Toll Gates on route 1 Total Distance in Km 164.1 km Driving Time 3 hr 17 min Total Toll
Bathinda to Chandigarh Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges Kalajhar 105 Lehrabega 75 Dhareri jattan 45 Azizpur 45 Total Toll Cost 270/-
Route Summary Delhi to Churu No. of Toll Gates on route NA Total Distance in Km 252.2 km Driving Time 5 hr 30 min Total
Type of vehicle Single Journey Return Journey Monthly Pass Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza Car/Jeep/Van 30.00 45.00 890.00 NA LCV 50.00 80.00
Name Location Operator Type Statiq Charging Station Ramgarh Cantonment Statiq Fast Electric Vehicle Charging Station Katras Statiq Fast Electric Vehicle Charging Station Hazaribagh Statiq Fast
If you have not visited or passed through a toll plaza, but the amount has been deducted from your FASTag account, then you can file
Ramayana Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 70 105 2360 35 LCV 115 170 3810 55 2 Axle Bus, Truck 240
Delhi to Sirsa Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Rohad 130 Madina Korsan 70 Ramayana 90 Total Toll Charges 290/-

Chandigarh is known for its organized structure and quiet and clean roads. And now, the Chandigarh traffic police have taken responsibility for ensuring people’s safety
With the introduction of e-challan, the Punjab Traffic Police has become more active than ever before. Recently the Motor Vehicles Act, 2019 has been approved