Due to the recent flash floods and landslides in Himachal Pradesh, over 380 road networks have been disrupted, resulting in an increasing number of accidents

PayZapp is a banking application that makes digital payment to be simple and easy.PayZapp was launched via HDFC Bank, in line with India’s government’s initiative
Before you decide to purchase a vehicle in Goa, you must be aware of the road tax in Goa.Being one of the most popular attractions
According to the 2011 Census report, there are over 2 crore people in India with physical disabilities. Despite being a huge number, there is only
Delhi to Udhampur Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Panipat elevated 40 Gharaunda karnal 155 Sambhughaggar 95 Ladowal 165 Harsa mansar
Daulatpura Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Type of Vehicle Single Journey (Rs.) Return Journey (Rs.) Monthly Pass (Rs.) Commercial Vehicle Registered within the district of plaza Car/Jeep/Van
In India, the army, paramilitary forces, police personnel, and officers are exempted from paying a toll tax at the toll plazas. The Government of India

The Haryana traffic police challan is a payment that individuals must pay if they break any traffic rule issued by the Traffic Department of Haryana.
Badava Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 25 40 850 15 LCV 40 60 1375 20 2 Axle Bus, Truck 85
Description Data No. of Toll Gates on route 4 Total Distance in Km 1068 Driving Time 16 hours 6 mins Total Toll Cost 360 Toll