Route Summary Gurgaon to Khatu Shyam Ji No. of Toll Gates on route 3 Total Distance in Km 263 Driving Time 4 hours 37 mins

Indian roads and especially highways have become really good in the last few years. The infrastructure of the roads has been improved to a great

Indian roads and especially highways have become really good in the last few years. The infrastructure of the roads have been improved to a great
Toll Plaza Name Location Rates (in INR) Amritsar Bypass NH-15, Amritsar Bypass Varies by vehicle Dappar NH-152, Ambala-Zirakpur Section Varies by vehicle Jalandhar NH-1, Jalandhar
Nazira Khat Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 80 120 2630 40 LCV 125 190 4250 65 2 Axle Bus, Truck
Delhi to Dalhousie Toll Plaza/Gate Details Route Summary Delhi to Dalhousie No. of Toll Gates on route 7 Total Distance in Km 560 Driving Time

Gharaunda (Karnal) Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Gharaunda is a small town in the Karnal district of Haryana, India. The toll booth in the city is located

The Meghalaya Traffic Police’s guiding principle is mobility with utmost safety. To achieve this goal, the state’s Traffic Department focuses on four pillars: ERER—education, Regulation,
Hyderabad To Vijayawada Total Toll Tax Charges – Calculate by Car Information Value Highway Route NH65 Distance from Hyderabad To Vijayawada (NH275) 278 KM Approximate
Delhi to Khanna Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Panipat elevated 40 Gharaunda Karnal 155 Sambhughaggar 95 Total Toll Charges 290/-