Route Summary Delhi to Jhunjhunu No. of Toll Gates on route NA Total Distance in Km 225.7 km Driving Time 4 hr 38 min Total Toll
To pay the Assam (AS) traffic challan online, you can follow these steps: It is important to note that you should pay the challan within
Allahabad (Prayagraj) Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Lalanagar 220 Total Toll Cost 220/-
Panipat to Jaipur Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Rajadhok 75 Kalinger 0 Total 75/-
There is no doubt that electric vehicles are the road to a sustainable future. And with generous government subsidies for the purchase of EVs, the
Pilkhuwa to Ghaziabad Tolls Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Chhajarsi 155 Total Toll Charges 155/-
Route Summary Delhi to Corbett National Park No. of Toll Gates on route 3 Total Distance in Km 281 Driving Time 5 hours 15 mins
Mobile number is an important thing in FASTag as it is used to login and recharge and various services of FASTag. Somehow if your mobile

Table of Contents What is FASTag? Things to know about FASTag What are the benefits of using FASTag? Cashless Payments Mobile Alerts through SMS FASTag