If you are planning to drive from Lucknow to Kanpur, why not make it more fun by
experiencing most of everything the journey has to offer? The distance from Lucknow to
Kanpur by road is 63 KM, which takes around 3 to 4 hours of driving to complete the
distance with normal traffic. One can take the MDR 52C to get to Kanpur from Lucknow.
Make sure to take short breaks in between to either indulge in the local cuisine, visit
popular attractions, or just stretch your legs. The road is in good condition, making it the
most preferred choice of commute for travelers. There is a total of 3 Toll Gates between
Delhi and Patna.
Tolls Plaza List and Toll Cost
Toll Name/Location | Toll Charges |
Nawabganj | 90 |
Total Toll Charges = Rs. 90