Route Summary Delhi to Jodhpur No. of Toll Gates on route 12 Total Distance in Km 658 Driving Time 10 hours 31 Total Toll Cost
Category: Toll
Laxmipuram Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 75 115 2570 40 LCV 125 185 4150 60 2 Axle Bus, Truck 260
Toll Plaza Name NH No. Section of Highway Ahmedabad NE-1 Ahmedabad Vadodra Expressways 1 & 2 Anand NE-1 Ahmedabad Vadodra Expressways 1 & 2 Bagodara
Delhi to Junagadh Toll Tax Charges Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Kalinger 0 Hilalpur 0 Ghamroj 115 Rabawata 35 Kadisahena
Ambala to Vrindavan Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Panipat elevated 40 Gharaunda karnal 155 Srinagar 105 Total Toll Charges 300/-
Toll Plaza Location Rates (in INR) Contact Number Vashi Bridge Toll Vashi Bridge, Navi Mumbai ₹40 N/A Kusgaon Toll Plaza Pune-Mumbai Expressway, near Kusgaon ₹135
Chennai to Trichy Tolls Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Thirumandurai 65 Athur tindivanam 65 Vanagaram chennai bypass 50 Paranur chengalpet
Mumbai to Varanasi Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Allonia 60 Mansar Kamptee – Kanhan Bypass/Tekadi 160 Kharegaon 29 Ashoka DSC
Patna to Varanasi Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Kaithi 135 Total Toll Charges 135/-
Murlitol Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van LCV 2 Axle Bus, Truck 3 Axle Bus, Truck 4,5,6 Axle Bus, Truck 180