Category: Toll
Route Summary Haridwar to Meerut No. of Toll Gates on route 4 Total Distance in Km 138 Driving Time 2 hours 27 mins Total Toll
Bareilly to Mathura Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) No specific tolls 0 Total Toll Charges 0/-
Secondary Toll (Gosthani Gate /Sheela Nagar) Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 37 223 6700 NA LCV 65 392 11754 NA
Faridabad to Vrindavan Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Srinagar 105 Karman 90 Gadpuri 115 Total Toll Charges 310/-
Kalyan to Nashik Plaza List and Toll Cost There is no toll plaza between Kalyan to Nashik
Delhi to Ujjain Tolls Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Sonwa Sonva 95 Sakatpura LHS Staggered 75 Nayagaon RHS Staggered 75
Delhi to Hazaribagh Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Yamuna expressway-agra exit 120 Yamuna expressway-mathura exit 135 Yamuna expressway-aligarh exit 105
Chandigarh to Nawanshahr Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Bachhuan 65 Total Toll Cost 65/-
Patiala to Zirakpur Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges Dhareri jattan 45 Azizpur 45 Total Toll Charges Rs. 90/-