Gurgaon to Chandigarh Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Dappar 50 Panipat elevated 40 Gharaunda Karnal 155 Total Toll Cost 245/-
Category: Toll
Daboka Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 80 120 2660 40 LCV 130 195 4300 65 2 Axle Bus, Truck 270
Aganampudi Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 50 75 1695 25 LCV 80 125 2740 40 2 Axle Bus, Truck 170
Bathinda to Mathura Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Srinagar 105 Rohad 130 Madina korsan 70 Ramayana 90 Karman 90 Total
If you are planning to drive from Lucknow to Kanpur, why not make it more fun byexperiencing most of everything the journey has to offer?
Delhi to Hyderabad Toll Plaza/Gate Details Route Summary Delhi to Hyderabad No. of Toll Gates on route 28 Total Distance in Km 1563 Driving Time
Delhi to Bardhaman Plaza List and Toll Cost Yamuna expressway-agra exit 120 Yamuna expressway-mathura exit 135 Yamuna expressway-aligarh exit 105 Rasoiya dhamna 125 Total Toll
Raje(Old Naraur) Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 110 165 3660 55 LCV 175 265 5910 90 2 Axle Bus, Truck
Delhi to Bilaspur Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Yamuna expressway-aligarh exit 105 Yamuna expressway-mathura exit 135 Yamuna expressway-agra exit 120
Delhi to Rewa Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges Yamuna Expressway – Aligarh Exit 105 Yamuna Expressway – Mathura Exit 135 Yamuna