Route Summary Delhi to Gangapur No. of Toll Gates on route 1 Total Distance in Km 320 Driving Time 6 hours 49 mins Total Toll
Category: Toll
Commencing on a road journey from the heart of India, Delhi, to the southern gem ofChennai, take you through one of the most scenic and
Narwana Toll Plaza/Gate Charges/Rates/Fees Vehicle Type Single Return Monthly Commercial Car/Jeep/Van 70 105 2360 35 LCV 115 170 3815 55 2 Axle Bus, Truck 240
Narnaul to Jaipur Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Manoharpur 75 Daulatpura 65 Total 140/-
Meerut to Roorkee Tolls Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Siwaya 110 Chhapar 55 Total Toll Charges 165/-
Toll Plaza Name Location Rates (in INR) Contact Number Bahadrabad Toll Plaza Bahadrabad 85 Banushi Toll Plaza Banushi 40 Bhagwanpur Toll Plaza Bhagwanpur 50 Chhapar
Thane to Goa Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Hattargi 25 Kognoli 60 Anewadi 80 Khedshivapur 115 Tasawade 75 Kini 70