1.बाइक के लिए FASTag अनिवार्य है? नहीं, बाइक के लिए फास्टैग अनिवार्य नहीं है और साथ ही अब तक बाइक सहित किसी भी दोपहिया वाहन
Author: Devender Saini
Drink and Drive Challan/Fines in India Drink and driving is a dangerous and reckless act that has caused countless accidents and deaths on Indian roads.
Recently India has seen an increasing number of deaths and mishaps due to road accidents. According to the data published by the Ministry of Road
Route Summary Delhi to Kashipur Number of Toll Gates on Route 4 Total Distance in Kilometers 250 Driving Time 4 hours 36 mins Total Toll
Road Type Highway Code Route Speed Limit (Cars) Speed Limit (Buses and Trucks) National Highways NH 8 Agartala – Shillong – Guwahati 80 km/h (50
Chennai to Varanasi Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Daroda 115 Kelapur 105 Allonia 60 Manoharabad 90 Pippalwada 95 Mansar Kamptee
Tolls Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges Itunja barabhari 45 Khairabad karondi 45 Total Toll Charges = Rs. 90
Known as the gateway to Uttar Pradesh, Ghaziabad is rapidly growing, be it in the fields ofeducation, infrastructure, or industrial development. Emerging as the industrial

Bank Customer Care Helpline Tag issuance charge Airtel Payments Bank 400 Rs. 100 EQUITAS SMALL FINANCE BANK 1800 103 1222 Rs. 100 IDFC FIRST Bank
Allahabad to Mathura Plaza List and Toll Cost Toll Name/Location Toll Charges (Rs.) Badauri 35 Yamuna expressway-agra exit 120 Badauri 35 Yamuna expressway-agra exit 120